A lot of companies that come to me are getting ripped off by shady outsourced SEO Companies. My customers come to me because of companies that don't know what they are doing. There are SEO people that don't know about any of the algorithm updates with Penguin, Panda or Hummingbird and put your social media, local and SEO ranking factors.
You can't get just anyone to do your SEO anymore and 2008 SEO doesn't work. It really has to be someone who knows what they are doing.
Doing it your self is not easy to do anymore. It takes extreme research and knowledge at a higher level of education. The barrier for entry for SEO has gone from 7th grade to at least a masters degree. That's the level of research it takes to be above the game or competitors. It isn't how clever you tweak meta tags, it takes a lot more.
There are good SEO companies out there. It's just harder to find. You have to take responsibility for your risk mitigation. It's like to going to a classy restaurant that the food just isn't good.
Get a knowledgeable SEO Company to do a full website analysis that knows what the latest guidelines are.